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The Christian Single Moms Podcast is a place where single moms who love Jesus can find hope, healing and encouragement. We tackle the topics single moms want to know about from a biblical perspective, including divorce, domestic violence, abuse, parenting, dating, relationships, and more.

To access all of our resources for single moms, visit

May 29, 2024

Yes, I bought a wedding dress. No, I am not engaged. Michelle opens up about her journey of waiting to be married, why she bought a wedding dress, and what it means if you are in the middle of a season of waiting on God too.

Purchase access to the new devotional, What Are You Waiting For? A Raw & Real-Time Journey...

May 22, 2024

We've all heard the verse, "What you meant for evil, God meant for good," but sometimes, we just don't see how that could be possible in our own lives. Nicole Unice shares how Scripture can help us understand what God is doing in our difficult circumstances, and how the stories of others can help us believe that God is...

May 15, 2024

Do you think of yourself as especially compassionate and loyal? Are you frustrated with others who don't seem to return the favor? You may have fallen for the trap of toxic loyalty.

Michelle discusses toxic loyalty (also called toxic empathy) and how it often is a challenge for those who are gifted in generosity and...

May 8, 2024

Every abuse survivor eventually asks themselves, "Why didn't I see this? How did I miss this?" Once a survivor becomes aware that what they have experienced is abuse, what often follows is a flood of conflicting emotions like fear and shame over not having realized it sooner. Stacey Womack from Abuse Recovery...

May 1, 2024

The hurt and loss we experience in life can destroy our dreams, and cause us to think maybe we just have to take what we can get. Stefanie & Caleb Rouse share how brokenheartedness can cause us to shut down our hearts and start to settle for less than what we really desire. 

Purchase Stefanie & Caleb's book,