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The Christian Single Moms Podcast is a place where single moms who love Jesus can find hope, healing and encouragement. We tackle the topics single moms want to know about from a biblical perspective, including divorce, domestic violence, abuse, parenting, dating, relationships, and more.

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Mar 31, 2021

When a significant relationship ends, the wreckage of a life lost causes us to experience deep grief and PTSD. Tracie Miles of COMPEL and Proverbs 31 Ministries shares her story of divorce and the transformation that came out of grief, trauma, and disappointment. She explains how to begin the process of transformation by accepting your circumstances, coping in healthy ways, and shifting to a hopeful, positive outlook. She also shares how disappointments can actually teach you to enjoy your life, become the woman God has made you to be, and allow you to gain deeper trust in God's promises to provide.


Check Out Tracie's new book, "Living Unbroken: Reclaiming Your Life & Your Heart After Divorce"

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Listen to this episode’s Guided Scripture Meditation Devotional on YouTube

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