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The Christian Single Moms Podcast is a place where single moms who love Jesus can find hope, healing and encouragement. We tackle the topics single moms want to know about from a biblical perspective, including divorce, domestic violence, abuse, parenting, dating, relationships, and more.

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Jan 6, 2021

Loneliness is one of the most difficult aspects of becoming a single parent. But there’s good news- it is possible to be alone without the chronic desperation and despair of longterm loneliness. Michelle discusses how hurts from past relationships can cause feelings of loneliness, and how those feelings can actually lead us to making choices that block the fulfilling relationships we crave. She shares one thing that is essential to changing old patterns, so you can begin to cultivate a healing sense of reconnection to God, yourself, and others.

Take the "What's Your Loneliness Type" Quiz and learn about the "From Lonely to Alive: A Single Mom's Guide to Life and Love" Video Course

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